Every business that requests our services faces unique opportunities and challenges specific to its particular industry.
In order to accurately price your flat fee we will personally sit down with you and review the accounts receivable you show outstanding while listening to the needs and challenges your business currently faces. We will also take the following factors into consideration:
How quickly on average do your receivables get paid? Do they pay in less than 30 days or do they drag out as long as 45, 60 or even 90 days? We may need to see evidence of prior payment history in order to accurately price your flat fee.
Does your business deal with a well diversified group of clients or are your receivables heavily concentrated in a small number of companies? In addition, are your clients creditworthy sizable corporations or are you dealing more with mom and pop type operations?
Are you a trucker, manufacturer, service provider, contractor or something else? Whatever the case may be, each industry has its own industry specific characteristics which affect the way your receivables are paid or handled. Fortunately we have years of experience serving many different industries so we have the knowledge to price accordingly. We will consider almost any type of business and if we can’t help we will gladly refer you to people who can.
How much in monthly receivables do you generate on average and how much are you willing to sell to K.W. Receivables?